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[E] tommylegend
[E] tommylegend
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over 13 years ago
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over 6 years ago
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Thank you very much! May I PE to get my home back or have to wait for permission?
over 12 years ago
Hacks and x-ray mods are wrong for a number of reasons. First of all it's bad for every player, not only for the other players who have to struggle to find ores or dungeons, but also for the hacker himself, as it ruins the wonderful experience minecraft can give. It "mines" the principles of the whole game, which are mining, exploring and building, and also the principles of the multiplayer, as lots of items are very valuable and can be seen as money (or credits). The combination of these two things leads to an awful gaming experience, that leads to playing a lot less and boredom. Once you do such thing as hacking (Fragment), the game loses its appeal and you're left with virtually nothing to do but run up and down and feel happy because you can see the code in matrix's style.(unclear) You never feel thrilled again, you find lots of iron, gold and spawners and for what? You may find all the items you'll ever find in years of play in a few weeks, but you'll get tired of it just as fast. Not to mention the respect you lose, as your fellow MT players will have clearly into their minds the fact that you're a hacker. (Fragment) And (improper syntax)enjoying your time with others is what multiplayer is all about, otherwise mine craft would just have single player mode. It's wrong, bad, and sad, and forbidden as all the other things in the rules for the sake of our own gaming time, to make everyone have a good time when all they seek is some peace and pickaxe at the end of a tough day of study or work. As a gamer with some years of "experience", I can safely assume that cheats and hacks ruin pretty much any game, because winning against someone or thinking you're better than someone else just because you downloaded a few megabytes of mod out of the internet is like going to the gym and starting to dope yourself. (Run on) It's a fake victory, a false goal you are achieving. And something like this has not even sense on a game that is not about winning or losing,. It's not the goal that's important, it's what you do until you find the End portal. You can kill dragons with fake weapons and armor, but it will never taste not even like building your nice little house with some pumpkins growing in the back. (Taste like what? Metaphor started yet not finished.) And at last As video games are nothing else than a metaphor of real life, if you cheat there you are most likely to cheat in the real world, which is really bad. After some time out of Minetown, and reading over and over the Rules, I found myself thinking that I would have set the same rules on my server, if I had one. And it made me think, also, that since I got banned Minecraft has lost a lot of its appeal, for me. To finish, no X-ray and no hacks means a better game for everyone, and enjoying Minetown as much as we can. I know I made some mistakes and may be not so fluent but I'm italian, if that counts =) Thanks for reading, I hope your decision is positive, have a good day!
over 12 years ago
Anyone ..?
over 12 years ago
Username: tommylegend When you were banned : january I think Person who banned you: Leo Reason you were banned: xray Server: (Wildlands, PVP, Main, Tekkit, Creative): main ok it was right, i did it a couple times and I learned the lesson, I won't do it again you have my word. I tried this out of curiosity and then it got me but it would be stupid to do it again as the mods are so good at detecting hacks. Thanks for reading!
over 12 years ago